A few weeks back I was a part of a group of students that put together a small flier that we past out on campus as a mass response to something that was posted in the school paper. I don't want to go into all of it, because that's not what this is about.
I was passing out fliers on the south side of campus when some guy pulled up on to the sidewalk with his car and started yelling at us to move. I went up to him, not wanting to yell or argue, but to just stand up for what I was doing. In our short conversation I asked if he knew what we were doing, and why he cared so much about it to demand that it stop. He was yelling about property lines and calling the cops. When he realized his yelling was getting nowhere he said "You know, there are better things to do with your life".
You know...at that moment, I'm not sure there was. I was speaking up instead of being silent. I was leading, and doing something instead of just sitting by. I was standing for something I really believe in. Simple, but real. And that made it the best thing I could have been doing with my life.
I'm not saying this to give you ideas of rallying the troops and going out and stickin' it to the Man. I'm trying to say stand up for what you believe in. Not always in such a literal sense of the word standing, and not strictly in a religious sense either. If you believe in art, share it. If you believe in words, speak them and let them be heard. If you believe in love, live it and feel it. If you believe that pajama's were invented to be worn until noon and cereal is a perfectly acceptable midnight snack, then don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise. I guess what I'm trying to say is do something about the things you have real passion for. Stand up, and be true to you. Live it with all of your guts. That's the best way I know how to live live.