
My name is Bridey C. Jensen III.
I am [(current year - 1988) - 0.083(number of months until the October of the current year)] years old.
I am a student at Brigham Young University.
I am studying to get a BS in Statistics.
I am Mormon.
I am a lesbian.
I am in charge of a LGBTQ club on campus.
I am obsessed with Superman.
I am an artist.
I am a sister to four brothers.
I am an experienced camper.
I am severely deaf. 
I am a collector:
  • marbles
  • unused keys
  • shot glasses
  • coins
  • analog clocks
  • all things superman
  • buttons
  • picture frames
I am wishing I was the Doctor's companion.
I am an x-man.
I am a woodworker.
I am a bibliophile.
I am a huge fan of Jesse Stone.
I am a superhero. 
I am not sure where this blog is gonna go, but I hope you'll come along for the ride.

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