Monday, March 4, 2013


The gender binary is really not a complicated subject matter.  There are girls and boys.  Men and women. Male and female.  This has nothing to do with what they like, how they act, stereotypes, clothes, sexual orientation or even what may, or may not, be between someone's legs.  Males are usually associated with some degree of masculinity, while Females are feminine.

Transsexuals, born one sex , but identify as the other another, also work within the gender binary.  The symbols don't show an over abundance of creativity, but they are at least informative.

Now, we step out of the comfort of the gender binary and into something different.

It is now no longer one or the other, but placed on a spectrum, of sorts, that goes in between and beyond.

As silly as it might seem, I don't think I fit in the gender binary.  I don't even know if I fit in one of these other categories  I guess I'm somewhere in between, and it's sometimes hard to explain.  Even to myself.  I feel like even the spectrum is a little more exclusive than I initially thought. Let me try to explain.

My sex is female. I have a vagina and I'm fine with that.  I also have breasts and hips and curves.  I am not fine with any of those.  My gender is...confusing.  I wish the general public would address me with male pronouns, as the English language does not have gender-less pronouns. I want to wear a suit and tie to church. I wish my body reflected that more (unlike Shakirra, my hips do lie).  But I'm okay with my name and who I am.  I'm okay being someone's girlfriend, wife, or mother.

Sex is usually based on the primary and secondary sex organs you have.  Gender is actually based on a role you play in society.  I'm not comfortable with the role that was assigned to me because I have ovaries and not testicles.  I wish there was an acceptable role of just being Bridey.   I wish our minds weren't constructed in a way where we subconsciously demand that every thing have a label, or a place to belong.  It's even confusing in my own mind to accept that I am genderqueer, because it's not one or another.   But I'm okay being me.  I'm okay exploring what that means.   I hope you'll come on this journey with me.

~Bridey J.


  1. Bridey,

    This is what I think we all love about you is that you are Bridey. As I face my own confusion towards my gender id, I over simplify it and claim bi-gender asociation, however, it is soooo much more complicated in my mind. In speaking about this with a family member, I came to the realization that it doesn't need to make sense to others. People are either going to love you or hate you regardless of your gender identity. As long as you can walk confidently down the street you can be gender Bridey and people will accept you for who you are and love you for it! If they don't, they probably aren't worth your time.

    Hugs friend,

    Becca T.

  2. This is super interesting...I guess I don't think about the gender thing a whole lot, but when I thinka bout all the people I know I don't really categorize them into any specific gender. They are simply their unique selves...I wish society would see it that way. Great post. You're a good writer.
