Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Missing the Mark

Some times I really wonder if people in the LDS Church know the doctrine they claim to preach and live. I'm not saying they are fakes, but I feel they look beyond the mark way too often. I've sat through way too many church meetings where Christ wasn't even mentioned once. Stake conference this weekend was about nothing but dating and marriage. I was always taught that the point of church was to take the sacrament and to learn about Jesus. Well...they still pass the sacrament, but I don't find much else sometimes.

I wears me down that the place I'm supposed to go to worship isn't lifting me up. I'm not trying to bash the church in any way. I've just seen it too many times where the focus is in all the wrong places. We spend so much time trying to emphasize the little things that make the LDS church different that we forget the real Christian message. In Sunday-school people try to sound so deep so as come off as so spiritual...but we lose sight of the simplicity of the gospel.

Christ was an example. We need to learn of Him to be like Him. He taught of love...the truly unconditional kind. The point of church is to come closer to Christ, and the point of every class or quorum is to serve and become like Christ.

How long until we stop looking beyond the mark?

~Bridey J.

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